Infrastructure Workshop

Infrastructure Workshop

Holistic support & consulting!
Modern IT infrastructures, consisting of powerful servers, scalable storage solutions and secure network connections, are at the heart of every IT environment and create the technical foundation for all your work processes. However, the IT world has become more diverse and fast-paced. The demands placed on your company by digitization, Industry 4.0, the digital workplace and associated problems for your IT infrastructure are constantly changing and becoming increasingly complex.

We know the answers to your challenges! In our Infrastructure Workshop, you get all the information you need at a glance. Together with you, we analyze your current situation and develop a customized concept. Our workshop ensures that the IT infrastructure you use supports your business processes in the best possible way, is future-proof and thus contributes to your company's success. We distinguish between a high-level day workshop and a three-day deep dive workshop. Benefit from holistic support & consulting by our experts.

Stefan Seidel
Regional Director & Head of Sales - Technologies
+49 5221 1013-024 Contact


Especially for IT decision makers, joint review & potential exploitation of existing structures

Showing how DTS can optimize the overall subject area & everyday, recurring tasks

Analysis of the current state, e.g. how DTS can support you & improve or modernize your infrastructure

Practice-oriented workshop

The service

Our Infrastructure Workshop in detail:

Prerequisite for the Deep Dive Workshop

  • All information about your infrastructure at a glance: Documentation, operational documentation, deployed solutions, applications, network plan, etc.
  • List of virtual machines
  • IT asset list


  • Analysis of the current situation, requirements & problem definition
  • Presentation, explanation & evaluation of possible implementation options
  • Graphical representation of possible scenarios for future operations
  • Illustration of migration paths to the planned target scenarios


  • For preparation you can use a questionnaire as a guideline
  • Joint, open discussion & brainstorming on one of the above topics
  • Individual arrangement of the dates
  • DTS sets impulses & brings in innovative ideas as well as solutions, tailored to your challenges
  • Provision of possible approaches for a managed service strategy


High Level Workshop (1 day)

  • Evaluation & optimization proposals for the current ACTUAL situation
  • Documentation of results (protocol)
  • Presentation of the results & subsequent transfer into a possible offer

Deep Dive Workshop (3 days)

  • Development of a customized infrastructure concept, tailored to your requirements & goals
  • Written concept tailored to your needs, from which target scenarios & migration paths emerge
  • Evaluation & optimization proposals for the current ACTUAL situation
  • Creation of a documentation or concept
  • Presentation of the results & the concept as well as subsequent transfer into a possible offer

Exemplary topic suggestions

  • Modernization of the central IT infrastructure (e.g. server, storage), with consideration of possible hybrid scenarios
  • Updating the existing LAN/WLAN or LAN/WAN concept
  • Revision of existing or development of new backup/DR strategies
  • Options for realigning the digital workplace (e.g., client infrastructure, application deployment)
  • VMware right-sizing
  • Further topics on request

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